Ultreyas & Reunion Groups
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”
~ Psalm 133:1
Essential to our Fourth Day, reunion groups are a place to continue our Cursillo journey, maintaining our faith within a smaller sub-community of Cursillistas! Our diocese is divided into four regions known as ultreyas, and within those regions, our reunion groups are formed. Look below to find your church, available reunion groups, and leaders within each ultreya. If there is no group in your area that suits your spiritual needs, reach out to see how you can start a new one!

​Fayetteville Ultreya
Lay Rector: Vacant
Email: n/a
Treasurer: Vacant
Email: n/a
Palanca Chair: Vacant
Email: n/a
Churches: Good Shepherd, Holy Trinity, ​La Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia, St. Christopher's, ​​St. Joseph's, St. Paul's in Clinton, ​St. Paul's In The Pines, ​Trinity
​Reunion Groups
Thursday Mornings at 6:45 am - K&W Cafeteria, Village Dr. - Contact: Carlon Mercer, 910.425.0243 or cmercer910@embarq.com
Second and Fourth Thursday of the Month at 6:30 pm -
Second meets at a restaurant / Fourth meets at Holy Trinity Parish Hall Contact: TBD
The Flock, Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm -
Holy Trinity Library - Contact: Mary Mac Shields, 910.484.5135 or marymacshields@gmail.com
First Monday of the Month at 5:30 pm - Holy Trinity Library - Contact: TBD
Tuesday at 2:15 pm (after Women's Bible Study w/ Fr. John Frazier) - St. Paul's In The Pines
Third Sunday of the Month at 12:00 pm - St. John's - Contact: TBD
Third Saturday of the Month at 12:00 pm - St. Joseph's -
Contact: TBD
​LaPaz Ultreya
Lay Rector: Diane Hatfield
Email: themadhatter20@icloud.com
Treasurer: Aynn Hadley
Email: kennyhads@gmail.com
Palanca Chair: Aynn Hadley Email: kennyhads@gmail.com
Churches: St. Andrew's in Goldsboro, St. Mary's in Kinston, St. Peter's in Washington, St. Timothy's in Greenville, Zion Episcopal Church in Washington, St. Stephen's in Goldsboro
​Reunion Groups
Greenville Tuesday Morning Group at 7:00 am - Egg Yolk Restaurant - Contact: Jim Williams, 252.902.6953
Greenville Lunch Bunch, 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 12:30 pm - Various Restaurants - Contact: Suzie Shelton, 252.561.6300
Morning Coffee - Greenville, Time and Date Varies - Contact: Marty Michaels, 252.341.9623
Third Sundays After Church - St. Peter's - Contact: Aynn Hadley, 252.946.7282
​Trinity Ultreya
Lay Rector: Vacant
Email: vacant
Treasurer: Jean Hislop
Email: jthis1968@gmail.com
Palanca Chair: Lori Smith
Email: lorismith9161@gmail.com
Churches: Christ Church, St. Andrew's in Morehead City, St. Anne's, St. Christopher's, St. Cyprian's, St. Francis By The Sea, St Paul's in Beaufort, St. Peter's By The Sea, St. Thomas
​Reunion Groups
Second and Fourth Sunday at 12:15 pm - Christ Church - Contact: Mary Lynn Guidage, mlglinton12@gmail.com
Thursdays at 11:30 am - St. Anne’s - Contact: Erin Chester, erinchester@gmail.com
Tuesdays at 5:30 pm - St. Thomas - Contact: Marian Day, ec91april2015@gmail.com
Second and Fourth Monday at 1:00 pm - Christ Church's Bride Room - Contact: Jane Merrit, janemerritt07@gmail.com
​Wilmington Ultreya
Lay Rector: Robin Hamilton
Email: robinhamilton31@gmail.com
Treasurer: Chuck Dierling Email: dierling@bellsouth.net
Palanca Chair: Izzi Woodside & Alice Evans
Churches: ​All Souls Church, Church of the Servant, Church of the Good Shepherd, Holy Cross, St. Andrew's on the Sound, St. James Parish, St. John's, St. Mark's, St. Paul's in Wilmington
​Reunion Groups
Mondays at 7:00 am- S&L Deli (17th Street near Hospital) - Contact: David Silvia, 860.501.4535 or dave.silvia@gmail.com
Mondays at 7:30 pm - Zoom (Virtual) Seeking Sisters - Contact: Linda Burney, 910.991.7324 or mmbeachbound2023@gmail.com
Wednesdays at 7:30 am - Zoom (Virtual) - Contact: Chuck or Pat Harrill, 910.520.2601 or patharrill@email.com
Thursdays at 8:00 am - Jimbo's Restaurant - Contact: Chuck Dierling, 910.793.6334 or dierling@bellsouth.net
Thursdays at 8:30 am - Patsy Parhala's house - Contact: Adelaide Brooks, 910.540.5001 or Adelaide@ec.rr.com
Thursdays at 5:30 pm - Zoom (Virtual) - Contact: Rev. Anne Abdy, anne@hcew@org
Fourth Sunday of the Month at 12:00 pm - Church Of The Good Shepherd - Contact: Alice Evans, 910.232.8057 or Alice@DynamicKitchens.com